Text Me, Maybe Read online

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  She crawled into bed, and her thumbs flew over the screen’s keyboard. I needed to think. Okay, here’s the first question. Do you have any siblings and are your parents alive?

  He shot back: Are you sure you want that to count as your first question?

  Yes. Birth order and family information say a lot about a person.

  If you say so. Only child. Both parents living.

  Well, that was succinct. Second question. Why did you become a personal trainer AND a professor?

  They’re actually quite similar. They both involve teaching. I like to help people.

  She stretched out, her toes reaching the bottom edge of the bed. Nice.

  I’m no saint. All the people I work with are with me because they choose to be. Still, it’s a good feeling.

  What? The teaching or feeling needed?

  Probably both.

  She typed her final question but hesitated, her thumb hovering over send. Did she really want to know the answer? And if she did, was it for her role as Ms. Swann’s assistant, or for the little girl inside her who used to believe in fairytales?

  Chapter Ten

  Do you believe in happily-ever-after?

  Matthew leaned back on the pillow against his bed’s headboard as he read Lexie’s last question. Well, that one was far more personal and potentially eye-opening compared to the first two. If only he could determine whether she’d asked from her heart or for Sylvia. He typed: That was three questions. Four, if you want to get technical.

  Technically, the last was a subset of the second question.

  He snorted, startling his cat curled next to his hip. I’ll remember that when I ask my three questions on our date.

  Fine with me.

  Scratching Remy, his cat, between the ears, he laughed. “Of course it’s fine by her, she’s not my date.”

  Not that he planned to ask Sylvia Swann any personal questions, because their meet-up would never materialize. The fortuitous chain of events he’d already set into motion would take care of that problem.

  You still there?

  He scrubbed his chin. What’s the question again?

  Scroll up, silly.

  Oh, do I believe? Hell yeah. Do you?

  The jury’s still out. Part two of the same question. Do you believe in romance?

  Hmmm. Where was she going with this? I think it’s an essential part of a romantic relationship. Are my quotes romantic? He scooped the dozing cat onto his chest while he waited. Or are they annoying? ;P

  Can I be blunt?

  Give me all you’ve got.

  When I read your first text, I suspected you were one of those guys who uses poetry to seduce women.

  And now that you’re getting to know me?

  Now I know you use poetry to seduce women.

  He smiled. So it’s working?

  Maybe. :)

  He laughed again, and Remy’s green eyes glared up at him for disturbing her nap. He scratched the fur between her ears for forgiveness then returned his attention to his conversation. There’s nothing sexier than a woman with a quick mind.

  I had fun tonight. Appreciate you playing along. Look forward to talking soon.

  Me, too. Feel better and good luck with the presentation. Night.

  Matthew set the phone on his nightstand and clicked off the light. Weird how it seemed so much easier for her to talk to him here. She seemed to crave human connection, but as soon as he gave her attention or moved too close, she put up walls…even when he was an anonymous guy on the phone.

  He sighed and linked his hands behind his head. The woman was a study in contrasts. Chris would be the person to ask, but it was too late tonight to pick the human psych dynamo’s brain. He’d have to wait to bounce his theories off his friend over morning coffee at the student union. Chris could help him brainstorm the best game plan.

  Until then, he’d have to settle for the fantasy of her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ignoring her roiling stomach, Lexie twisted her ponytail as she entered the fitness center the following night after work. Could it have only been a week since she first walked into the place? Matthew was nowhere in sight.

  Stop being so paranoid. He’s probably running late. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to train me.

  Internal pep talk over, she resumed her march toward the locker room. Should she apologize for her odd behavior Wednesday night, or pretend it never happened? And what about him? Would he be polite and professional, or pissed off because she’d been so moody?

  And weird. Let’s face it—he probably thinks I’m a crazy person now. Who wouldn’t?

  Lexie pushed open the locker room door. What did she care? It’s not like they’d ever act on what was between them. That kind of heat didn’t last. Fireworks were pretty, but they fizzled out quickly.

  Ashes. That was all she’d be left with.

  She didn’t need fireworks in her life. She had her writing.

  Squeezing past a cluster of cheerful coworkers, she wove her way to Locker 43 and changed quickly before leaving.

  He’d wanted to kiss her. With everything that had happened that day, she’d tried to forget. But there had been that moment.

  She’d wanted it, too. But she couldn’t allow it. She loved her mom, but there was no way she’d ever allow herself to be dependent on a man. And kisses with hot guys—no. Once she had her career, then she could look and touch. But until then…

  I’m a nun. A nun who wants to attack Matthew.

  Why does he have to be so hot?

  “How are you?” Matthew walked toward her, his eyes warm and his tone friendly. “TGIF?”

  She gave him a cautious smile and nodded.

  “Good.” His eyes crinkled. “We’re heading to Room Three,” he said, pointing to the other end of the gym.

  He’s not going to bring up the other day?

  Wait, was that relief she felt? She let go of the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

  They reached the row of exercise classrooms, and Lexie peeked in the first one. “Step?”

  Matthew nodded. “With Zumba.”

  Yeah, like that explains it. “Ooo…kay.” She glanced in the second room. “Glad we’re not headed there. Someone could get hurt.”

  He peered over her shoulder. “Ah, kickboxing. Lots of fun.”

  Uh, no. As much as she loved watching Rocky movies, those fight scenes were choreographed. She tightened her grip on her water bottle and towel. “What’s behind door Number Three? A lion? Human piñatas? Cardio Russian roulette?”

  “Game Show Network fan?”

  She laughed. “You know it.”

  He opened the door and invited her inside the empty room.

  Lexie plucked at her T-shirt. “Is there a glitch with the heating system?” The mirrored space might not be hiding wild animals, but the temperature was definitely tropical.

  “Nah.” He smiled and tossed his towel on the long oak bench against a wall.

  “Are we early?” She frowned at the two lone blue exercise mats in the center, unprepared to be alone with him…but not quite hating it, either. She lifted her chin. “What’s the deal?”

  “Thought you’d prefer practicing before joining the group. Good with you?”

  She blew out a puff of air and swiped her bangs. Damn, it was hot. “Practice what?” Before long they’d have no choice but to strip down to their undies just to stay cool.

  No, brain. No. Do not imagine him naked.

  Crap. She was so imagining him naked.

  “Ever hear of hot yoga?” Matthew asked.

  She frowned. “Why add to the sweat factor?”

  He shrugged. “Heat takes some getting used to, but it warms your muscles, allowing for a deeper stretch, and rids your body of toxins, too.”

  “Let me guess. They escape through sweat.”

  “Don’t fear the heat.” He smiled and bent one arm overhead while applying pressure at his elbow with his other hand.

She glanced at the closed door, but it no longer appealed to her as much as the man behind her.

  “You can do this.”

  His voice pulled at her. How had he known what to say?

  “If I can do it, you can. It’s good to be strong, but flexibility’s just as important.”

  “Okay,” she groused. “I’ll try it.”

  He rubbed his hands together. “Let’s get moving, then. We’ll start with a prone position to work out the kinks in the spine.”

  Lexie lay face down and rested her cheek on the towel she’d brought. She struggled to breathe, not from the movement but because the sexiest man she’d ever met was on the floor a few feet away from her—within touching distance.

  And we’re all alone.

  “Nice and easy,” he coached. “Slow, deep, even breaths.”

  Heaven help her, she was panting like an overheated Labrador. She’d better turn away and stare at the wall until her system calmed down.

  “Stretch your body long, from the tips of your fingers to your toes. Focus on the stretch.”

  Her growling stomach vibrated the mat beneath her. “This pose called the hot dog?” she improvised.

  Hog dog? Seriously?

  His laugh was soft. “Call it whatever you like. Just do it. Relax and feel the stretch. Concentrate on the heat warming your muscles. Work them.”

  Okay, muscles, you work. I’m going to sleep so I stop salivating over the thought of pizza, or embarrass myself any further in front of the god Thor. She closed her eyes and exhaled as she attempted to follow his directions. So good. The past week’s events, combined with her Naughty Girl fantasies, had left her exhausted. Ah…

  Matthew’s deep voice dragged her out of her catnap.

  “Roll onto your back and—nice and easy—move to a sitting position. Lexie?”

  She yawned as she rolled over and sat up, blinking. Had she dozed? And how had he managed to fold himself into that shape? His long legs creased at the knee and the soles of his feet touched each other. Interesting. “You sure are bendy.”

  He smiled. “Easy Pose.”

  Easy? She struggled to mimic it.

  “Relax into it.”

  “I think my leg muscles are about to stage a revolt,” she groaned.

  “Breathe, and let gravity work with the weight of your legs.”

  Lexie lifted her eyebrows.

  “Trust me.”

  “Trust you?”

  He nodded slowly.

  She pushed the stale air from her lungs and focused on loosening thigh muscles she hadn’t realized she owned.

  “See, it’s all about the slow stretch.”

  “Yep.” So what if her knees were a few inches higher off the mat than his?

  “Now stretch forward nice and slow, your arms inside the V of your legs, and reach to your toes. Like this.”

  Sweat tickled her upper lip. Damn. He made the contortions look easy. She dabbed at her face with a fresh towel, gritted her teeth, and leaned.

  “Feel the muscles relax in your lower back and your arms and thighs.”

  She nodded, focused on her task, and she reached, concentrating on her back muscles lengthening as she hooked her hands, slick with sweat, around the tops of her cross-trainers. She held on for dear life, the insides of her thighs on fire. Meh. No pain, no gain. No pain, no gain. She exhaled.

  “That’s good. Don’t overdo it.”

  Her throat constricted at the concern in his eyes. Such a patient and sweet man, sweating through the movements with her. Time to own up to her behavior from the other night. “Sorry about Wednesday,” she said.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Nope, just wanted to apologize.”

  “Won’t hold it against you.” The look in his eyes tempted her to play with him.

  Lexie sat up and unfolded her legs, then leaned back, her arms braced behind her. Mighty, dark-haired Thor was her trainer for three more weeks. Whatever relationship they had would end with her last session. “I’ll call that last one the hot pretzel,” she said, and stood when he did.

  He laughed, towering over her. “You hungry?”

  Uh, yeah. For you. The air stalled in her lungs. No. Just say no.

  “Okay then, for the next exercise, we’ll start with legs waist-width apart.”

  She widened her stance, hands on hips.

  Matthew glanced at her and leaned close to nudge her right foot out a few inches. “Keep breathing.”

  She tingled with awareness. “Hot.”

  He slid his hands along the outside of her arms, and a jolt shot through her shoulders and landed in her belly. Whoa. She forced the air out then happily breathed him in.

  “Relax. Let your arms drop by your side.” He lifted his muscular arms above his head on an inhale and returned to his starting position on the exhale. “Now, do it with me.”

  I’d love to. You look like lily pond royalty, but how do I know for sure?

  “Bring your arms down to your sides. Nice, controlled movement. Excellent. Nine more times.” He backed up. “Keep going. Nice.” He perched on the edge of the bench, his gaze intent. After the tenth, temperature-raising rep, he grinned. “Very, very nice warm-up.”

  “Okay. Didn’t strike me as anything spectacular, but thanks.” Lexie turned to grab her water bottle, stopping when she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She whipped around, towel clutched to her chest. “Why didn’t you say something? I look like a freaking wet T-shirt contest girl! You just let me keep going, watching the whole time, and couldn’t clue me in?”

  “Sorry, didn’t notice.” He lifted his water bottle, his throat working as he took a long, deep drink.

  “Like hell you are, and like hell you didn’t,” she retorted, struggling to hold on to her anger in the face of his steady, kind gaze. She tossed the towel onto the mat. “Don’t think I’m not into, I mean, onto you.”

  Oh God, I could just die. Did I really just say that? It’s not a Freudian slip. It’s not. It can’t be.

  “No worries. I won’t.”

  The catch in his voice had her turning toward him, melting any lingering anger and frustration.

  Why am I going all crazy-girl on him again? I knew I’d get sweaty. Hot yoga. Duh.

  She moved toward him, heedless of the consequences, his eyes inviting her in.

  Inches from the man she feared could hurt her a thousand times worse than any of the guys she’d ever liked before, a startling realization punched her square in the face. She’d been so wrong about a phrase she’d openly mocked in a lit class discussion about romantic prose.

  Weak with desire really was a thing.

  Because if Matthew chose that moment to kiss her—Crap, if he wanted to roll her onto her back right there on the textured mat—she couldn’t guarantee she’d have an ounce of willpower to deny him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Her high heels clicking, and the spring air cool on her face, Lexie bounded out of J&C Associates ninety minutes later. She felt toned and relaxed. An amazing feat, considering the roller coaster of emotions she’d ridden during her first hot yoga session. For better or worse, Matthew had displayed far more willpower than she possessed, and he hadn’t taken her on the mat like her Naughty Girl wanted.

  He hadn’t even tried to kiss her.

  Boo. Hiss. Grr.

  But he’d definitely wanted to, and that knowledge had given her the courage to power through the workout and start her weekend on a high. Yep. She was young, free, and living in the best city in the world—with a whole weekend ahead. What could be better?

  Nothing, except maybe sharing it with someone.

  She pulled out her phone to check her messages. None. She ignored the slight dip in her stomach.

  “Hey, Lexie.”

  She turned. Maybe he didn’t have that much willpower after all. “No more clients?”

  He smiled. “Nah.”

  Her breath hitched, and her gaze fell to his mouth. What should she do? Was he
going to just stand there? She glanced around. Maybe he hadn’t purposely run into her but was on his way home, too. “Well, have a great weekend.” Lexie threw him a friendly smile and turned back to brave the lonely walk home.

  He fell into step beside her, whistling like he didn’t have a care in the world. “You, too.”

  Nibbling her bottom lip, she glanced at him sideways. Another gust of spring air brought his scent hightailing toward her. Mmm… Maybe she’d ask him to hang out. But what if he rejected her? “Where are you headed?”

  He held up two tickets. “I have these.”

  OMG, is he asking me out? Or is he on his way to meet his date?

  “They’re for the MoMA,” he added. “Ever been?”

  She ignored the tingle of excitement at the thought of going with him to the Museum of Modern Art, afraid to get her hopes up. “Not yet.”

  “Want to go?”

  “It’s on my list of must-sees.” She shrugged.

  Awkward. How do I ask if he’s treating me, or if he expects me to pay?

  If he paid her way, would that qualify that as a date?

  Matthew tilted his head. “It’s more fun going with someone than alone.”

  She slowed. A girl only had so much willpower when a sexy trainer with the most kissable mouth was asking her out…

  He moved toward the curb and raised an arm, his attention on the street.

  Lexie glanced at her phone. It was almost seven. “When does the museum close?” She joined him at the curb.

  “Nine. Look, if you want to join me, great. No pressure. A friend happened to have a few extra tickets, good today only. When my last two sessions rescheduled, I figured I’d go, and when I saw you just now, thought you might want to join me.”

  So, he hadn’t planned this? She’d just happened to be the first person he saw on the street. She chewed the inside of her cheek, then rubbed her arms as the chilly breeze blew through her thin jacket.

  I have all weekend to sit alone on my lumpy sofa. He’s offering a free ticket and a few hours of companionship, not a night of reckless sexual abandon.

  Now, that would make it a Friday night to remember.

  “So, you want to come?” he asked.

  The light in his eyes ratcheted up her thermostat, and she put a hand on her cheek to cool the flames. Maybe she was tempting fate, but she nodded anyway.