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Text Me, Maybe Page 13

It’s all for her.

  “I’ll give you everything I have.” He kissed her, long and hard, fighting against the sudden storm building inside, one that made him want to promise her far more than endless nights of great sex.

  He slipped a hand between them.

  “Ah, that’s nice,” she husked between kisses. “I don’t think I’d have survived another night with only the dream of you.”

  “I’m right here.” He searched her eyes, willing her to accept this was more than a hook-up for him, and hoping she felt the same. “I like you, too, Lexie Bloom, so much.” Rubbing his tip on her already sensitive center, he mimicked the movements his thumb had made on that spot moments ago.

  She didn’t say anything, just made those sexy, mewling sounds at the back of her throat that spurred him forward, blurring out all rational thought.

  And soon she was clutching his shoulders, her legs wrapping around him and her heels pressing him closer, welcoming him inside her.

  He burrowed deep into her heat.

  Ah, so damned good.

  He couldn’t get enough. So sweet. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and moved his hips in slow, rhythmic thrusts until she cried out for more. He loved that he was making her happy, giving her all she wanted. Her need matched his, and she gripped his ass, driving him into her again and again. She was so beautiful, her chest flushed and her head thrown back, those beautiful eyes connecting with him as they traveled through time and space together, everything forgotten but the two of them as they reached and sought, panting and hot from their efforts.

  Then her breathing changed, her body tensed, and her heat pulsed around him. She cried out, letting him know she was there. The sound of his name on her lips, and the serene expression on her face signaled that she’d made it safely to the other side. He let go then, his release coming in bursts of heat and light before he collapsed on the mattress next to her with a satisfied growl.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Lexie snuggled in the thick comforter, unwilling to wake up from her dream quite yet. Flashes of fast and furious lovemaking, mixed with honeyed, slow kisses that pulled at her soul, danced beneath her eyelids. She breathed in and rolled over in the soft, luxurious bed, the scent of coffee tickling her nose.

  “Good morning.”

  She opened her eyes.

  The man from her dreams sat on the edge of the bed, holding a steaming mug of coffee. “Sleep well?”

  She sat up and blinked at Matthew, illuminated by the bedside lamp. She glanced at the window behind him and yawned. “It’s still dark out.”

  “Drink your coffee while I shower.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I’d ask you to join me, but then we’d be late.”

  Late for what? To make the doughnuts? Wake up the roosters? “No need to rush. I can grab a train into Grand Central later.” She rolled over. “When it’s light out.”

  He didn’t answer.

  When Lexie opened her eyes again, the shower was running and the bedside lamp was still on. She glanced around, her sleepy mind looking for clues as to why they needed to be awake at this unearthly hour. Her gaze settled on the dresser, where her purse and folded clothes had replaced the bowl and bottle. She smiled. She’d never look at wine and chocolate-covered strawberries quite the same.

  She sat up and slid the steaming mug off the nightstand, sipping as she pondered. Had the man even slept? She shook her head. He was either a god or a machine. She sipped more, until her eyes were open enough to notice the navy T-shirt draped over the bottom corner of the bed.

  Rising to pull on the Yankees shirt, she snorted. At least he didn’t root for the Mets. Retrieving her clothes from the dresser, she caught her image in the mirror and groaned. She stopped to comb her hair with her fingers and wipe the smudged mascara from beneath her eyes. She was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes when she glimpsed movement in the mirror.

  Matthew padded up behind her, a towel wrapped low around his hips.

  Her mouth went Sahara desert dry. The man was definitely a god.

  He held her gaze in the mirror as he brought his arms around her and pulled her back against him.

  Lexie inhaled his scent mixed with soap and mint and felt his hardness pressing against her lower back. “Hungry for more than breakfast?” she teased. Or maybe he was a machine. They’d had sex in more positions last night than she’d had the past three years.

  “If you keep looking at me like that,” he said, his voice gruff, “I won’t get you to work on time.”

  What if ask for more?

  “I can take the train.” He’d give her more. He had last night.

  Every. Single. Time.

  “I’ll drive you. It’s the least I can do.” He nipped her neck then swatted her bottom, which he seemed quite attached to already. “Now, get dressed.”

  She yawned. “You’re so bossy.”

  “Do you like that?”

  A smile tugged at her lips at the sexy edge in his voice. This was too easy. “Uh, you’re right. Don’t want to be late.” She whisked past him and stepped into the master bath, then closed the door with trembling hands and leaned back, eyes squeezed shut. Matthew’s body was a work of art, and he’d proven to be as generous in bed as he was out. But how could she trust he wouldn’t change, or that he wouldn’t realize sooner or later that she was somehow lacking when it came to what he wanted in his future wife?

  Wife? We hooked up. There I go again, making a situation far more complicated than it needs to be.

  She frowned at her image in the mirror over the sink on her way to the shower. Sure, he’d gazed at her with tenderness after all they’d experienced together the past twelve hours, but that was an emotion three steps shy of love. Like he’d said last night, no worries.

  As long as I don’t lose my head over him, everything will be fine.

  An hour later, they stepped out of his colonial into the quiet, predawn light that held a hint of pink low on the eastern horizon. When he moved closer and wrapped his arm around her, she felt stiff and awkward. Could she bear the hurt again, especially when last night had been so wonderful?

  The ride to her apartment didn’t take half as long as the one from Park Avenue to Westchester the night before, but still long enough for her Negative Nelly doubts to tumble in and huge mental warning flags to go up. One night of hot sex, and she was in deep.


  Matthew double-parked the Jeep, waiting while she ran inside and changed into another work outfit, touched base with Sam, and made her lunch. By the time they arrived in Midtown, she was drooping from the lack of shut-eye and more confused than ever. Because he was so damned nice. And patient. And smart. And so, so great in the sack. She sighed.

  Yep. She was in deep. Maybe too deep?

  He parked on the street. “A perk to waking early,” he said, unbuckling his seat belt and exiting the vehicle.

  When she opened her eyes from another yawn, he was at her passenger door.



  He leaned in and picked up her bag from the floorboard and took her hand in his.

  Why did he have to be so nice? She could get used to this VIP treatment pretty fast, and that wasn’t a good thing. “I’ve got it.”

  “More coffee?” he suggested.

  Like he was totally the boss of her.

  He totally wasn’t.

  Still…it was coffee. She forced herself to relax as they walked hand in hand down the empty sidewalk.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Matthew opened the door to the Moonlight Diner. “Want something sweet, too? They make the best apple pie.”

  She shrugged out of his embrace and brushed past him.

  “Booth or table?” the hostess asked.

  “We’ll sit at the counter, thanks.” Lexie zipped ahead to grab a corner stool.

  Scrubbing his chin, he followed. “We good?” He sank onto a stool next to her.

  “Fine.” Her smile was stiff.
Like her posture.

  He wasn’t a psych professor like Chris, but even he knew fine didn’t mean fine when a woman said it like that. Was she suffering from some sort of morning-after regret? He pinched the bridge of his nose. She’d been so open in bed, all night, but her shield was going back up. He had to stop it, but how?

  She yawned into her hand.

  Ah, she’s exhausted.

  Matthew exhaled and signaled the waitress for two coffees. “Sorry for rushing you. Didn’t want you late to work because of me.” Lame, but true.

  I also need to get to work or risk not earning my tenure.

  He threaded his fingers through his hair. “For what it’s worth, I would’ve much rather stayed in bed all day with you.” He’d tried to tell her about his role as Steel, but she hadn’t wanted to hear it. Manhattan U was a huge part of his life, and now she was becoming a huge part, too.

  “I’m not exactly a morning person. Then again, I usually get more than three hours sleep a night.” She shot him a pained look, but the corners of her mouth lifted.

  “Sorry. No regrets here.” He gritted his teeth. This was no way to start a relationship. Was he lying for her sake, or because he was chicken shit and couldn’t bear the thought of her rejecting him? He’d already changed his cell number so she wouldn’t learn he was the guy she’d been texting for Sylvia. How far would he go to protect himself?

  Their mugs arrived, and Lexie reached for the sugar and creamer. “We never did talk much last night. Tell me more about Etta.”

  He gazed at the black liquid. “You’ve seen my parents. She’s everything I wish they were.”

  She nodded and stirred her coffee. “Yeah, I figured as much. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with her illness all by yourself for so long. Can’t be easy.”

  He swallowed. “That means a lot.”

  “I really did have a wonderful night.” She reached out a hand, her touch soft and soothing on his arm. “And I’d like to get to know you better.”

  He let her words sink in. Had he actually pulled it off? Did they have a shot at growing this thing between them?

  “Unless you don’t want to.” Her voice trailed off.

  He placed his other hand on top of hers and squeezed. “I do. Just deciding where to begin.”

  She picked up her mug and waited, showing she was there for him.

  Like at Cedar Crest.

  “Yeah, well, I was one messed up kid when Etta came on the scene. I wasn’t doing well in school, and I had a habit of eating my anger. I wasn’t always the king of self-control.”

  “From where I’m sitting, she did a pretty bang-up job helping you turn it around.” She smiled and set down the mug.

  Their waitress approached. “Can I get you folks something to go with your coffee?”

  “Nothing for me, thanks.” Lexie turned to him. “You want anything?”

  How about a do-over?

  Matthew shook his head absently, struck by Lexie’s trusting expression, the same look he’d glimpsed on her face after he’d woken during the night. His guilty conscience was the reason he hadn’t been able to fall back asleep.

  I have to tell her, but I don’t want to mess it up more.

  Lexie cocked her head. “I don’t mind if you eat in front of me. I’ve got my coffee. I’m good to go.” She lifted the mug for another deep sip. “Can’t believe we’re more than halfway through my training sessions.”

  His mind made up about consulting Chris for more advice, he latched on to his comfort zone. “I’d like to revise your exercise routine.”

  Fifteen minutes later, they’d discussed the purpose of various exercises and brainstormed how to stay motivated. Their coffees were refreshed, and he was debating whether to ask her out again or wait on her to make the suggestion when Lexie’s phone rang.

  She changed her ringtone?

  “That song from Wicked?” he asked, his heart leaping into his throat.

  “Defying Gravity.”

  “The song with the part about them being stronger as a pair?”

  She nodded again and smiled in his direction as she answered her call.

  Matthew stared at the TV monitor above the menu bar. She was all about Rocky because of her father, but she’d switched to a song that reminded her of him? That had to mean something.

  A minute or so later, she tucked her phone back into her purse, then sat back with a dazed expression. “That was my mentor. He wanted me to know that the friend he showed my play to is interested. They want to do a reading and want me there. It’s scheduled. Oh my god, I can’t believe it.”

  “Good for you!” His spirits were buoyed by her news, but then he remembered. She’d told Steel, not him. When would he overcome that one bad decision? “What play?”

  She turned to him and grabbed both his hands. “I moved to New York because I’m a playwright. I know that dream’s a little far-fetched and crazy, but I had to try. And I want to succeed at it so badly. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life, you know? But now that it’s actually happening, I’m scared.” Her eyes searched his. “What if I’m fooling myself, and I don’t have what it takes?”

  She was going all in.

  He couldn’t have asked for more, and he’d be damned if he’d be the one responsible for eclipsing her joy. “Are you kidding me? I haven’t read it, but I was with you that night you had to stop everything else and write, remember? You got lost in it. If you have even half the dedication as the passion you’ve shown since I’ve known you, you’ll make it.” He ran his thumb over the back of her hand and watched the fire flare in her eyes when he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Dream in light years—” He froze. What the fuck? He’d slipped again. Was his subconscious trying to rat him out?

  She cocked her head. “Isn’t that Shakespeare? You know, ‘Dream in light years, challenge miles, step by step.’”

  He nodded.

  But he couldn’t form the words.

  Make the connection.

  “You do remind me so much of—” She stopped.

  His heart skipped a beat.

  Help me. I’m not strong enough.

  She shook her head. “Never mind.” She turned away and gulped down the rest of her coffee. “Well, I should get going. Got a super busy week ahead.” She plopped a few dollars on the counter to cover her drink. “Where are you off to this morning?”

  “Manhattan U.” He plunked his money next to hers. I’ll explain everything, make it all right. Then we can begin our future.

  She smiled. “Say hi to Chris for me. He seems like a nice guy.”

  Lexie tipped her head back so her lips brushed his, her hands sliding under his shirt. “Thanks again for a memorable night.”

  Ah, hell. For a long moment, all he could think about was getting her back into his bed. “Same here.” He slid his hands beneath her spring coat and squeezed her luscious ass.

  She was so damned cute when she blushed.

  “You free this weekend?” he asked. “We could go biking in Central Park.”

  “Or if it’s raining,” she countered, “we could go to the library, and if you’re lucky, I’ll let you kiss me behind the bookshelves.”

  “Not a bad idea. Why do I get the feeling you’ll be doing the rain dance Friday night?”

  “Am I that easy to read?” She leaned up for another kiss.

  Yes and no.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Lexie set the vase on her kitchen counter that following Saturday and breathed in the bouquet Matthew had brought her. “I adore Gerbera daisies.” But then, he knew that. She’d told him a lot about herself the past week.

  “Figured I’d bring the sun to you. I’ve missed you.” He pulled her close.

  His voice and touch set off fireworks within her. “You saw me last night at the gym.”

  “But at the gym I couldn’t do this.” He dipped his head and covered her mouth with his.

  Was that her sigh mingling with his groan?

  “Well, hello again.” Sam grinned.

  “Hi.” Lexie turned slowly in Matthew’s arms to face her roommate. “Well, we should get going.” She left his warmth to grab her purse and Wicked, the book she needed to return to the library. “Be back in a few.”

  Sam followed them to the door. “Oh?”

  “I haven’t managed to talk her into sleeping over again yet.” Matthew looped an arm around her again as they moved into the hallway. “But I’m working on it.”

  Lexie babbled all the way to the Jeep about her roommate’s crazy schedule, hoping he wouldn’t push the issue. She’d opened up to him, and he’d shared with her.

  Still, there was an odd niggling worry lurking in the back of her mind she couldn’t quite shake. Was it so wrong to slow things down between them until her concerns disappeared? “Sam works too hard,” she finished, paying undue attention to fastening her seat belt and adjusting her purse and library book on her lap.

  Matthew reached out and placed his hand on hers. “She’ll be fine. Another week and she’ll be on break.”

  “Knowing Sam, she’ll ask for more overtime until her back-to-back summer grad sessions begin.”

  The smart, rational response was to slow things down. So, when he’d asked her if she wanted to sleep over, she’d hedged.

  And he’d nudged.

  Not a lot.

  Just enough to let her know he hadn’t lost interest.

  She brushed her fingers across her lips, recalling his kiss back in the apartment a few minutes ago. If he was sharing and pursuing her after they’d spent almost every spare moment of the past week together, why was her stupid gut telling her something wasn’t right?

  “We’ll be fine, too,” he said, his voice rumbling above the purr of the engine.


  “I think I’ve shown my patient side.” His voice took on a sexy edge.

  In more ways than one.

  She shivered and resisted the urge to squirm in her seat.

  “I want you to sleep over, but I won’t rush you.”

  “More like sex over,” she quipped.

  “Never gonna let me forget how exhausted you were the morning after, are you?” he murmured. “But you seem to forget how you kept asking for more.” He shifted the Jeep into gear and pulled into the street. “Did you like it?”